Birth affirmations can be a powerful tool in your natural birth toolkit. Developing a positive mindset can make a huge difference in your ability to handle contractions and endure through labor.
- Positive Birth Affirmations Can Empower You During Labor
- #1 My Body is Capable and Strong
- #2 Birth is Normal and Natural
- #3 I Look Forward to My Birth Experience
- #4 I CAN Breathe Through This Contraction
- #5 The Joy is Coming
- #6 Release and Relax
- #7 I Accept This Pressure to Welcome My Baby Into the World
- #8 Each Contraction Lasts Only One Minute
- #9 I am doing an amazing job
- #10 My baby will be born at the perfect time
- #11 This Has Been Done Billions of Times Before Me
We’ve all seen those horrible images of women giving birth in the movies. The poor woman is in agony, screaming out profanities while peering through her sweat-soaked hair hoping to see her baby pop out.
No one wants to be that woman. You don’t want to give birth in a state of panic.
While this dramatic portrayal of giving birth is great for storytelling on the big screen, the reality is that every woman’s body was designed to handle birth. And your birth experience doesn’t have to be that way.
What you may not realize is that your perception of what birth will be like is tied to your actual birth experience. You have influence over what your birth will be like.
It’s true – if you expect birth to be traumatic like it is in the movies, that’s probably how your experience will play out. You’ll feel overwhelmed and unprepared because you won’t be equipped to handle your labor experience.
But if you change the narrative about birth, prepare your body and mind, and expect it to be a positive experience – that will also be difficult – you can have a better birth experience. You will be better equipped to handle each contraction and labor pain.
Your body and mind are connected, and one important way to empower yourself for labor is to use positive birth affirmations.
Positive Birth Affirmations Can Empower You During Labor
One of the most powerful and effective tools for pregnant women is birth affirmations.
Birth affirmations are positive phrases or statements about birth said repeatedly with confidence to challenge any negative or anxious thoughts you might have about birth. The are statements that you say to yourself regularly, to remind yourself of your body’s strength, and its extraordinary capability to birth a baby.
Birth affirmations can be a refreshing way to remind yourself that giving birth is not something to fear but rather a challenge your body is equipped to achieve.
Related: Free Natural Birth Plan Template
How to Use Birth Affirmations
It’s very simple: all you do is repeat your affirmation(s) to yourself as your own personal mantra. You can say them out loud, meditate on them silently, or even write them down.
Eventually, through enough repetition, the positive thought rewires your subconscious mind to combat any unhelpful thoughts and replace them with confident, positive vibes.
Some women find it useful to write them down on sticky notes and place them around the house or tuck them in a wallet.
Here are nine powerful birth affirmations that can encourage an optimistic mindset about the labor and delivery of your baby. It’s important to remember that birth affirmations cannot be some arbitrary statement that doesn’t connect with you on a personal level; the mantra needs to resonate with you in order to guide your conviction and fully reconstruct your thoughts about birth.
#1 My Body is Capable and Strong
Focus on your physical strength; shift from the feeling of pain to the feeling of power.
Your body has grown a human being and understands how to labor and deliver your baby safely. Reminding yourself that your body is strong and equipped to guide your baby to its first breath will give you confidence in your ability to labor through the contractions.
#2 Birth is Normal and Natural
Everything that you are going through is exactly as nature intended it; there is nothing abnormal about the pain you are going through. Birth is beautiful and harmoniously in tune with nature.
#3 I Look Forward to My Birth Experience
If you dread going into labor, your body will be tense. Instead, try to train your mind to be excited about labor because it will bring your baby to you. It may be difficult, but you can do it. And you will be a much stronger woman once you have given birth.
#4 I CAN Breathe Through This Contraction
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Yes, contractions do take your breath away. Have your partner say this with you: I can breathe through this. Remind yourself that the contraction does indeed end and that you can blow the pain away with each breath. You might practice belly breathing exercises throughout your pregnancy to help you feel how the breath is connected to your mind.
#5 The Joy is Coming
Shift your mind and focus from the pain of the present moment to the anticipation of the unimaginable joy you are about to experience. The pain of the current moment will soon pass, and in return, there will be a blissful bundle of joy in your arms.
#6 Release and Relax
Allow your body and mind to relax in between contractions. If you do this, your muscles will relax and your mind will follow. Trust that your body knows what it has to do.
#7 I Accept This Pressure to Welcome My Baby Into the World
Accept pain’s purpose – each contraction is bringing you closer to your baby. And your baby is worth it!
#8 Each Contraction Lasts Only One Minute
One of the most empowering things you can do is take every contraction one at a time.
One contraction for 60 seconds? You can do it! You can do anything for 60 seconds.
A break is around the corner. Breath it in and try to remember that you’ve got this.
#9 I am doing an amazing job
Self-encouragement will boost your confidence and instill some element of calm in the midst of any physical pain or mental anxiety you might feel. Creating, growing, and delivering a baby is a big deal.
This is the birth of your baby and the birth of a mother — congratulate yourself because you are AWESOME!
#10 My baby will be born at the perfect time
Every woman has a different labor experience.
Some labor for days and some can’t get to the hospital quickly enough. There’s no rule for how long labor should take, so allow yourself to relax and welcome your baby on their timeline.
#11 This Has Been Done Billions of Times Before Me
I find that getting a little perspective helped me a lot during childbirth. Sometimes it is helpful to focus on others who have been through it before us. Billions of women have been right where you are, and gotten through it. They survived and many have thrived. Take heart in knowing that you are joining a league of powerful women around the world and across history, just by birthing your baby.
They did it, and so can you. I’m proud of you!
I hope you found these positive birth affirmations to help prepare your mind for labor. Repeat the ones that resonate with you, and write them down on sticky notes around the house or take a printout to the hospital with you. Sending you empowered vibes, mama!
Related: The Ultimate Hospital Bag Checklist
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